Monday, November 30, 2009

My Website

Today, when people mentioned “Disney”, the means is much more then a Disney classic character, because, today’s Disney includes so much things, such as films, toys, books, clothing, even parks or resorts, however, those all belongs to The Walt Disney Company, and this company’s CEO is Robert lger, so, build his personal website is a kind of sacred job, but, I like to try. Because this website is a personal website, I will make like a book, a kind of autobiography, the cover page of this “book” will be the homepage, and contents pages will be start in next web page. In contents pages, it will includes text, images and video, which can make the website look more interesting. Although this is personal website, but I will focus on the Lger’s company – The Walt Disney Company, because it is the best way to show his achievement. Therefore, this website can link to some popular Disney products, such like films, animations, or consumer goods on-line shops. And also can link to my own person website.

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